Klawe Rzeczy is a Lodz-based design studio specializing in editorial illustrations and digital collages founded by Ewelina Karpowiak in 2016.
Klawe Rzeczy's work is featured on The New Yorker, TIME, The Economist, The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Washington Post, BBC, Wall Street Journal, Billboard, Financial Times, Business Insider, 1843 Magazine, Politico, Politico Europe, The Hollywood Reporter, Die Zeit, Barron's GQ Germany, Playboy, New Statesman, Baltimore Magazine, Wired UK, Wired Japan, Foreign Policy, Fast Company, Arte Magazin, Handelsblatt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, WirtschaftsWoche, Forbes, Forbes Japan, The Guardian, Harvard Business Review, High Country News, Nieman Lab, Reader's Digest, Foreign Policy, L'Express, So Press, So Film, Macleans, Business Traveler, The Stylist, Globe and Mail, Stern, Consumer Reports, Rolling Stone UK, Hight Times, Chicago Magazine, SF Standard, Jacobin Magazine, Millie Magazine, Departures Magazine, Metropolis Magazine, inPickleball Magazine, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, St. Louis Magazine, De Volkstrant, INC. Magazine, Spear's Magazine, Kurs Magazin, Think:Act Magazin, Aftenposten, Departures Magazine, Internazionale, The Athletic and many others.
Klawe Rzeczy collaborates with brands like Vander Jewelry, Westwing, Jenny Walker, Sound Shore Distillery, Day and Bergen and Open Cell Media among others.
For all enquiries please contact:
mail klawe.rzeczy@gmail.com
instagram @klawerzeczy